

您的隐私对我们来说非常重要. 相应的, we have developed this policy for you to understand how we collect, 使用, 沟通, 披露, 并利用个人信息. The following outlines our privacy policy. It is intended to comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), 以及其他政策法规.

  • Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
  • 我们收集及使用个人资料的目的,只会用于完成我们指定的目的及其他相容的目的, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned 或者按照法律的要求.
  • 我们将只保留个人信息,只要有必要,以实现这些目的.
  • We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, 在适当的地方, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
  • 个人资料应与其使用目的有关,并应在该等目的所需的范围内准确无误, 完整的, 和最新的.
  • We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, 以及未经授权的访问, 信息披露, 复制, 使用与修改.
  • 我们将随时向客户提供有关我们个人信息管理的政策和做法的信息.

我们致力于按照这些原则来管理我们的组织,以确保个人信息的机密性得到保护和维护. However, no internet connection, website, or e-mail transmission is ever 100% safe and secure. 由于不可预见的事件或我们无法控制的情况,我们无法对您的信息或帐户发生的任何事情负责. In the event of a security breach, we will notify affected customers within a 72 hour time period. 我们将在得知或合理要求时提供与安全事件有关的信息.


当您访问我们的网站时, 您可以向我们提供两种不同类型的信息:自愿收集的个人信息和汇总收集的网站使用信息.

  1. Personal information you choose to provide through our contact form:
    You may provide us with your full name, 电子邮件地址, 教育信息, 出生城市和国家, 国籍国, 国籍, 永久地址, mailing address (if different than 永久地址) and (in some cases) your phone number. 您还可以选择提交有关您个人兴趣的其他评论或文件, 个人需求, 以及学术目标. 我们可能会在我们的数据库中保留所有提交表格的内容和由此产生的通信以及您的姓名和电子邮件地址.
  2. 申请世界大学学术课程所需提供的个人信息:
    During the 使用r account creation process, 用户被提示对网站表示同意,并且必须采取明确的行动授权收集和存储个人信息. 任何不回应同意消息的用户将不被允许继续进行,直到同意被授予. Upon admission and confirmation of attendance to the 道成肉身的大学, the university will have the right to 使用 your personal information for academic, 市场营销, 跟踪, 以及移民目的.
  3. 网站信息:
    We also 使用 web server logs to collect information regarding how our website is being 使用d. 这些收集的信息可能包括, 但可能不限于, 您的IP地址, 浏览器类型, 你来访的日期和时间, 浏览的页面, and your total time spent on our website. 这些信息将用于改善我们的网站,以便我们能够保持高质量的服务,并提供与网站使用情况有关的一般统计数据. This automatically-collected data is 使用d only on an aggregated, anonymous basis and never in conjunction with, 或者链接到, any information concerning your personal identity.
  4. In order to withdraw your consent authorizing UIW to 使用 your personal information, you must email the UIW 注册商’s Office, at registrar@uiwtx.edu. 请注意,处理个人信息对于uw向您提供教育服务是必要的. 因此, 撤回同意使用个人信息将导致退出您所注册的学术课程和课程,并失去访问所有相关UIW信息系统的权限. Any refund of tuition and fees paid will be subject to UIW policies.


We may 使用 a variety of social media plugins and widgets. These are provided and operated by third-party companies (e.g. 脸谱网). Social media plugins may collect information such as the page you are visiting on our website, 您的IP地址, and may set cookies to enable the plugin to function properly.

If you are logged into your account with the third-party company, 然后,第三方可能会将您访问和使用我们网站的信息链接到您与他们的社交媒体帐户. Similarly, your interactions with the plugin may be recorded by the third party.

您可以通过第三方社交媒体平台的隐私设置管理信息共享并选择退出定向营销. Please refer to their privacy policy directly.

The following plugins are 使用d on our website: 脸谱网, Instagram, and Youtube.


您的个人信息可能会在我们运营或我们与服务提供商合作的任何国家/地区进行存储和处理. 这些包括, 但可能不限于, 传入的机构, 酒店, 航空公司, 公交公司, 以及我们聘请的保险公司,以满足您的项目要求和预订. 通过使用UIW服务, 您明白,您的信息将被转移并仅用于您的特定学术课程和大学业务及合规要求. We only provide these companies with data that they require to perform their specific service.

如果海关或移民局等公共机构需要,您的信息也可能被提供给他们, 或者按照法律的要求. Your information is shared under the jurisdiction of applicable laws and regulations. We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to third parties.


您可以向我们发送电子邮件,要求访问我们在数据库中收集的有关您个人身份的所有信息 infosec@uiwtx.edu. You have the right to rectify any information that you find to be inaccurate. You may also request that we delete personal data from our database.

偶尔, 您要求删除的信息将在我们的法律保留框架内在某些文件中保留一段时间. 除了, 由于技术限制,某些类型的信息可能会在“备份”系统或日志文件中存储更长时间或无限期, 或财务或法律要求.


我们将根据获取您的个人资料的目的,在需要或允许的时间内保留您的个人资料, 符合适用法律的, 在法定索赔时效期间,您的个人信息可能与我们可能对您承担的任何责任相关.

The criteria 使用d to determine our data retention periods include:

  • The length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you and provide our services to you;
  • Whether there is a legal obligation with which we must comply


We 使用 encryption (SSL) to protect data transmitted to and from our website. Wherever the ESC collects personal data, 我们寻求使用合理的技术和组织安全措施来保护我们组织内的所有信息免受损失, 滥用, 未经授权的访问, 信息披露, 变更, 黑客攻击, destruction or any other problems which may occur.




以防发生安全事故, uw将在72小时内通知受影响的客户,并在得知或合理要求时及时提供与安全事件有关的信息.


UIW is not responsible for any content linked or referred to from any external websites. If any damage occurs by the 使用 of information presented on external pages, only the author of the respective website might be liable, not the party who has linked UIW to these websites. 此外, UIW is not liable for any postings or messages published by 使用rs of discussion boards, guestbooks or mailing lists provided on these external pages.


UIW grants you a personal license to access and 使用 this website. You may download material from this website for your own personal non-commercial 使用. 你可能不会, 然而, 否则复制, 重新发送, 分发, 未经uw明确书面许可,不得发布或商业利用本网站的任何材料.


We may update this 隐私政策 from time to time without prior notice. Any changes to this policy will be posted on this page. 您有责任在每次向我们提供个人信息时查看uw的隐私政策,因为自您上次使用我们的网站以来,该政策可能已经更改.

Contacting the 道成肉身的大学:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our 隐私政策 at infosec@uiwtx.edu.

If you do not agree to these policies and terms of 使用, you always have the right to mail us your information in paper format.
